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Pairing of integrins with ECM proteins determines migrasome formation
Cell Research ( IF 44.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-06 , DOI: 10.1038/cr.2017.108
Danni Wu , Yue Xu , Tianlun Ding , Yan Zu , Chun Yang , Li Yu

Recently we reported the discovery of migrasome, a new organelle of migrating cells1. Migrasomes are large vesicles that grow on the tips or intersections of retraction fibers at the rear of migrating cells. Following cell migration, the retraction fibers eventually break and the migrasomes become detached. The migrasomes and their contents, including cytosolic components and vesicles of unknown origin, are released into the extracellular space —— a process we named as migracytosis. We speculated that migracytosis may play important roles in cell-cell communication.


