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Margaret McCartney: Pointless paperwork, not patients, is what GPs should avoid
The BMJ ( IF 93.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-06 , DOI: 10.1136/bmj.j4933
Margaret McCartney

Winter’s coming, there’s flu in the southern hemisphere, and the canaries have stopped singing in general practice. I have a visceral sense of dread. Jeremy Hunt recently spoke to GPs about “the 26% of GP appointments that GPs themselves say are potentially avoidable.”1 He talked about 10 “high impact actions” aimed at releasing capacity, which form part of the Releasing Time for Care programme, put together at a cost of £30m. Essentially, says NHS England, “most common potentially avoidable consultations were amenable to action by the practice, often with the support of the clinical commissioning group.”2 Some 7% of patients could be diverted elsewhere in the practice, 6% …


玛格丽特·麦卡特尼(Margaret McCartney):全科医生应该避免毫无意义的文书工作,而不是患者

冬天来了,南半球出现了流感,金丝雀已经停止了唱歌。我有一种内心的恐惧感。杰里米·亨特(Jeremy Hunt)最近与全科医生交谈,“全科医生自己说可以避免的26%的全科医生任命。” 1他谈到了旨在释放能力的10项“高影响力行动”,这是“释放护理时间”计划的一部分,总共耗资3000万英镑。NHS England说,从本质上讲,“最常见的潜在可避免的咨询通常在临床委托小组的支持下,可以由该诊所采取行动。” 2大约有7%的患者可以转移到该诊所的其他地方,其中6%…