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Four- and Five-Coordinate Osmium(IV) Nitrides and Imides: Circumventing the “Nitrido Wall”
Organometallics ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2017-10-31 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.organomet.7b00707
Josh Abbenseth 1 , Sarah C. Bete 1 , Markus Finger 1 , Christian Volkmann 1 , Christian Würtele 1 , Sven Schneider 1

Osmium nitride chemistry is dominated by osmium(VI) in octahedral or square-pyramidal coordination. The stability of the d2 configuration and preference of the strong σ- and π-donor nitride for apical coordination is in line with the Gray–Ballhausen bonding model. In contrast, low-valent osmium(IV) or other d4 nitrides are rare and have only been reported with lower coordination numbers (CN ≤ 4), thereby avoiding π-bonding conflicts of the nitride ligand with the electron-rich metal center. We here report the synthesis of the square-planar osmium(IV) nitride [OsIVN(PNP)] (PNP = N(CHCHPtBu2)2). From there, a square-pyramidal isonitrile adduct could be isolated, which surprisingly features basal nitride coordination. Analysis of this five-coordinate d4 nitride shows an unusual binding mode of the isonitrile ligand, which explains the preference of the weakest σ-donor and strongest π-acceptor isonitrile for apical coordination.


四坐标和五坐标Ni(IV)氮化物和酰亚胺:绕过“ Nitrido墙”

氮化(化学在八面体或方金字塔形配位中以by(VI)为主。d 2构型的稳定性以及强烈的σ-和π-给体氮化物对顶端配位的偏爱与Gray-Ballhausen键合模型一致。相比之下,低价IV(IV)或其他d 4氮化物很少见,而且据报道仅具有较低的配位数(CN≤4),从而避免了氮化物配体与富电子金属中心的π键冲突。我们在这里报告了方形氮化nitride [Os IV N(PNP)](PNP = N(CHCHP t Bu 22)的合成)。从那里,可以分离出一个方形-金字塔形的异腈加合物,其具有令人惊讶的基氮化物配位的特征。分析这种五坐标的d 4氮化物显示出异腈配体的不寻常结合方式,这说明了最弱的σ供体和最强的π受体异腈对根尖配位的偏爱。