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Molecular Dissection of Neuroligin 2 and Slitrk3 Reveals an Essential Framework for GABAergic Synapse Development.
Neuron ( IF 14.7 ) Pub Date : 2017-Nov-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2017.10.003
Jun Li 1 , Wenyan Han 1 , Kenneth A Pelkey 2 , Jingjing Duan 1 , Xia Mao 1 , Ya-Xian Wang 3 , Michael T Craig 4 , Lijin Dong 5 , Ronald S Petralia 3 , Chris J McBain 2 , Wei Lu 1

In the brain, many types of interneurons make functionally diverse inhibitory synapses onto principal neurons. Although numerous molecules have been identified to function in inhibitory synapse development, it remains unknown whether there is a unifying mechanism for development of diverse inhibitory synapses. Here we report a general molecular mechanism underlying hippocampal inhibitory synapse development. In developing neurons, the establishment of GABAergic transmission depends on Neuroligin 2 (NL2), a synaptic cell adhesion molecule (CAM). During maturation, inhibitory synapse development requires both NL2 and Slitrk3 (ST3), another CAM. Importantly, NL2 and ST3 interact with nanomolar affinity through their extracellular domains to synergistically promote synapse development. Selective perturbation of the NL2-ST3 interaction impairs inhibitory synapse development with consequent disruptions in hippocampal network activity and increased seizure susceptibility. Our findings reveal how unique postsynaptic CAMs work in concert to control synaptogenesis and establish a general framework for GABAergic synapse development.


Neuroligin 2 和 Slitrk3 的分子解剖揭示了 GABA 能突触发育的基本框架。

在大脑中,许多类型的中间神经元在主要神经元上形成功能多样的抑制性突触。尽管已鉴定出许多分子在抑制性突触发育中发挥作用,但仍不清楚不同抑制性突触的发育是否存在统一的机制。在这里,我们报告了海马抑制性突触发育的一般分子机制。在发育中的神经元中,GABA 能传递的建立依赖于 Neuroligin 2 (NL2),一种突触细胞粘附分子 (CAM)。在成熟过程中,抑制性突触发育需要 NL2 和 Slitrk3 (ST3)(另一种 CAM)。重要的是,NL2 和 ST3 通过其细胞外结构域以纳摩尔亲和力相互作用,协同促进突触发育。 NL2-ST3 相互作用的选择性扰动会损害抑制性突触发育,从而破坏海马网络活动并增加癫痫发作的易感性。我们的研究结果揭示了独特的突触后 CAM 如何协同工作来控制突触发生并建立 GABA 能突触发育的通用框架。