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Coherence Spectroscopy in the Condensed Phase: Insights into Molecular Structure, Environment, and Interactions
Accounts of Chemical Research ( IF 16.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-10-18 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.7b00369
Jacob C. Dean 1, 2 , Gregory D. Scholes 1

The role of coherences, or coherently excited superposition states, in complex condensed-phase systems has been the topic of intense interest and debate for a number of years. In many cases, coherences have been utilized as spectators of ultrafast dynamics or for identifying couplings between electronic states. In rare cases, they have been found to drive excited state dynamics directly. Interestingly though, the utilization of coherences as a tool for high-detail vibronic spectroscopy has largely been overlooked until recently, despite their encoding of key information regarding molecular structure, electronically sensitive vibrational modes, and intermolecular interactions. Furthermore, their detection in the time domain makes for a highly comprehensive spectroscopic technique wherein the phase and dephasing times are extracted in addition to amplitude and intensity, an element not afforded in analogous frequency domain “steady-state” measurements. However, practical limitations arise in disentangling the large number of coherent signals typically accessed in broadband nonlinear spectroscopic experiments, often complicating assignment of the origin and type of coherences generated.


