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The Health Care Professional's Pledge: Protecting Our Patients From Firearm Injury
Annals of Internal Medicine ( IF 19.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-10-17 , DOI: 10.7326/m17-2714
Christine Laine , Darren B. Taichman

Access the Comments on Wintemute's article to see who has committed to talk to their at-risk patients about firearm safety. Make your commitment now.
Too many of our patients suffer when bullets maim or kill them or their loved ones. And those not yet personally harmed by guns worry about the potential for future harm presented by the ubiquity of guns in America. Regardless of whether one believes guns hurt people or that people hurt people with guns, we have a public health crisis and health care professionals have an obligation to do what we can to combat it.
Annals of Internal Medicine has raised the alarm about guns since at least 1998 (1–3). More recently, we have published strong recommendations to reduce firearm injury from the American College of Physicians (ACP) (4) and another from the ACP with 7 other health organizations together with the American Bar Association (5). Improvements in public health require careful study. We've published rigorous reviews to help synthesize what is and is not known (6). The dearth of evidence to inform sensible gun regulation led us to solicit original research and work hard to help authors report it accurately so that the most may be learned by others seeking to learn from and build upon the findings (7–17). Firearms have also been the subject of On Being a Doctor essays (18, 19). We've repeatedly called on ourselves and our colleagues to examine the evidence, take action, and raise our voices (20–34). We've cried out that we must use our voices.
Nowhere are our voices more important than in the privacy of the examination room. This is where our work is done, where all the research and learning come together. Of all the times and places where we might speak, this is where our voices stand to do the most immediate good. We must commit to using that time and place to help protect our patients from firearm-related harm.
In this issue, Wintemute calls on each of us to make a commitment to ask our patients about firearms when, in our judgment, it is appropriate and to follow through (35). We know the factors that should alert us to the risk for alcohol, tobacco, and other substance use disorders; sexually transmitted disease; intimate partner abuse; suicidality; and other preventable harms to our patients. We ask about these risks and counsel accordingly. The risks for harming oneself or exposing others to harm from a firearm are also known. And we know we should speak up (34).
While changes in U.S. gun regulations are sorely needed to address population-level threats presented by the availability of military-style firearms and unlimited ammunition, physicians and other health professionals at the frontline of patient care can help prevent firearm-related harm one patient at a time. Go to http://go.annals.org/commit-now and make the commitment to start doing this right now. By making a public commitment to ask our patients about firearms and counsel them to reduce this risk, we show our patients and their communities that we are committed to their safety and health.
Feeling uncomfortable about how to talk with patients about guns is not a reason to shy away. Read when and how to do it (36). Let's start now. Too many of our patients are in danger. This simply cannot wait.


  1. Davidoff F. Reframing gun violence [Editorial]. Ann Intern Med. 1998;128:234-5. [PMID: 9454533]
  2. American College of Physicians. Firearm injury prevention. Ann Intern Med. 1998;128:236-41. [PMID: 9454534]
  3. Cassel CK, Nelson EA, Smith TW, Schwab CW, Barlow B, Gary NE. Internists' and surgeons' attitudes toward guns and firearm injury prevention. Ann Intern Med. 1998;128:224-30. [PMID: 9454531]
  4. Butkus R, Doherty R, Daniel H; Health and Public Policy Committee of the American College of Physicians. Reducing firearm-related injuries and deaths in the United States: executive summary of a policy position paper from the American College of Physicians. Ann Intern Med. 2014;160:858-60. [PMID: 24722815] doi:10.7326/M14-0216
  5. Weinberger SE, Hoyt DB, Lawrence HC 3rd, Levin S, Henley DE, Alden ER, et al. Firearm-related injury and death in the United States: a call to action from 8 health professional organizations and the American Bar Association. Ann Intern Med. 2015;162:513-6. [PMID: 25706470] doi:10.7326/M15-0337
  6. Anglemyer A, Horvath T, Rutherford G. The accessibility of firearms and risk for suicide and homicide victimization among household members: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Ann Intern Med. 2014;160:101-10. [PMID: 24592495]
  7. Anglemyer A, Miller ML, Buttrey S, Whitaker L. Suicide rates and methods in active duty military personnel, 2005 to 2011: a cohort study. Ann Intern Med. 2016;165:167-74. [PMID: 27272476] doi:10.7326/M15-2785
  8. Díez C, Kurland RP, Rothman EF, Bair-Merritt M, Fleegler E, Xuan Z, et al. State intimate partner violence-related firearm laws and intimate partner homicide rates in the United States, 1991 to 2015. Ann Intern Med. 2017. [PMID: 28975202] doi:10.7326/M16-2849
  9. Goldstick JE, Carter PM, Walton MA, Dahlberg LL, Sumner SA, Zimmerman MA, et al. Development of the SaFETy score: a clinical screening tool for predicting future firearm violence risk. Ann Intern Med. 2017;166:707-14. [PMID: 28395357] doi:10.7326/M16-1927
  10. Studdert DM, Zhang Y, Rodden JA, Hyndman RJ, Wintemute GJ. Handgun acquisitions in California after two mass shootings. Ann Intern Med. 2017;166:698-706. [PMID: 28462425] doi:10.7326/M16-1574
  11. Reid JA, Richards TN, Loughran TA, Mulvey EP. The relationships among exposure to violence, psychological distress, and gun carrying among male adolescents found guilty of serious legal offenses: a longitudinal cohort study. Ann Intern Med. 2017;166:412-8. [PMID: 28135726] doi:10.7326/M16-1648
  12. Miller M, Hepburn L, Azrael D. Firearm acquisition without background checks: results of a national survey. Ann Intern Med. 2017;166:233-9. [PMID: 28055050] doi:10.7326/M16-1590
  13. Rowhani-Rahbar A, Fan MD, Simonetti JA, Lyons VH, Wang J, Zatzick D, et al. Violence perpetration among patients hospitalized for unintentional and assault-related firearm injury: a case-control study and a cohort study. Ann Intern Med. 2016;165:841-7. [PMID: 27750282] doi:10.7326/M16-1596
  14. Rowhani-Rahbar A, Zatzick D, Wang J, Mills BM, Simonetti JA, Fan MD, et al. Firearm-related hospitalization and risk for subsequent violent injury, death, or crime perpetration: a cohort study. Ann Intern Med. 2015;162:492-500. [PMID: 25706337] doi:10.7326/M14-2362
  15. Hsieh JK, Arias JJ, Sarmey N, Rose JA, Tousi B. Firearms among cognitively impaired persons: a cross-sectional study. Ann Intern Med. 2015;163:485-7. [PMID: 26370021] doi:10.7326/L15-5138
  16. Butkus R, Weissman A. Internists' attitudes toward prevention of firearm injury. Ann Intern Med. 2014;160:821-7. [PMID: 24722784] doi:10.7326/M13-1960
  17. Boggs JM, Simon GE, Ahmedani BK, Peterson E, Hubley S, Beck A. The association of firearm suicide with mental illness, substance use conditions, and previous suicide attempts. Ann Intern Med. 2017;167:287-8. [PMID: 28672343] doi:10.7326/L17-0111
  18. Wallace EA. The firearm for protection? A risky bet. Ann Intern Med. 2016;164:698-9. [PMID: 27182905] doi:10.7326/M15-2100
  19. Quinn C. The pirates. Ann Intern Med. 1999;131:472-3. [PMID: 10498567]
  20. Laine C, Taichman DB, Mulrow C, Berkwits M, Cotton D, Williams SV. A resolution for physicians: time to focus on the public health threat of gun violence [Editorial]. Ann Intern Med. 2013;158:493-4. [PMID: 23277894]
  21. Taichman DB, Bauchner H, Drazen JM, Laine C, Peiperl L. Firearm-related injury and death: a U.S. health care crisis in need of health care professionals. Ann Intern Med. 2017. [Epub ahead of print]. doi:10.7326/M17-2657
  22. Fisher J, Bonomi A. Firearm surrender laws: prompting promise for women's health. Ann Intern Med. 2017. [PMID: 28975259] doi:10.7326/M17-2399
  23. Webster DW. The true effect of mass shootings on Americans. Ann Intern Med. 2017;166:749-50. [PMID: 28462426] doi:10.7326/M17-0943
  24. Cook PJ. At last, a good estimate of the magnitude of the private-sale loophole for firearms. Ann Intern Med. 2017;166:301-2. [PMID: 28055051] doi:10.7326/M16-2819
  25. Hargarten S. Firearm injury in the United States: effective management must address biophysical and biopsychosocial factors. Ann Intern Med. 2016;165:882-3. [PMID: 27750331] doi:10.7326/M16-2244
  26. Weinberger SE. Curbing firearm violence: identifying a specific target for physician action. Ann Intern Med. 2016;165:221-2. [PMID: 27183475] doi:10.7326/M16-0968
  27. Taichman DB, Laine C. Reducing firearm-related harms: time for us to study and speak out [Editorial]. Ann Intern Med. 2015;162:520-1. [PMID: 25706587] doi:10.7326/M15-0428
  28. Hemenway D. Guns, suicide, and homicide: individual-level versus population-level studies [Editorial]. Ann Intern Med. 2014;160:134-5. [PMID: 24592499]
  29. Kapp MB. Geriatric patients, firearms, and physicians. Ann Intern Med. 2013;159:421-2. [PMID: 23836076] doi:10.7326/0003-4819-159-5-201309030-00682
  30. Fisher CE, Lieberman JA. Getting the facts straight about gun violence and mental illness: putting compassion before fear. Ann Intern Med. 2013;159:423-4. [PMID: 23836046] doi:10.7326/0003-4819-159-5-201309030-00679
  31. Chapman S, Alpers P. Gun-related deaths: how Australia stepped off “the American path”. Ann Intern Med. 2013;158:770-1. [PMID: 23478752] doi:10.7326/0003-4819-158-10-201305210-00624
  32. Frattaroli S, Webster DW, Wintemute GJ. Implementing a public health approach to gun violence prevention: the importance of physician engagement. Ann Intern Med. 2013;158:697-8. [PMID: 23400374] doi:10.7326/0003-4819-158-9-201305070-00597
  33. Coulehan J. The tragic events of April 1996. Ann Intern Med. 2000;132:911-3. [PMID: 10836919]
  34. Betz ME, Ranney ML, Wintemute GJ. Physicians, patients, and firearms: the courts say “yes”. Ann Intern Med. 2017;166:745-6. [PMID: 28265644] doi:10.7326/M17-0489
  35. Wintemute GJ. What you can do to stop firearm violence. Ann Intern Med. 2017. [Epub ahead of print]. doi:10.7326/M17-2672
  36. Wintemute GJ, Betz ME, Ranney ML. Yes, you can: physicians, patients, and firearms. Ann Intern Med. 2016;165:205-13. [PMID: 27183181] doi:10.7326/M15-2905



在本期杂志中,温特姆特呼吁我们每个人做出承诺,向我们的患者询问枪支的适用性,并根据我们的判断进行追踪(35)。我们知道应该使我们警惕酒精,烟草和其他物质使用失调风险的因素;性病; 亲密伴侣的虐待;自杀 以及对我们患者的其他可预防的伤害。我们询问这些风险,并据此提供咨询。还已知伤害自己或使他人受到枪支伤害的风险。我们知道我们应该说出来(34)。


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  5. Weinberger SE,Hoyt DB,Lawrence HC 3rd,Levin S,Henley DE,Alden ER等。美国与枪支有关的伤害和死亡:8个卫生专业组织和美国律师协会的号召性行动。安实习生。2015; 162:513-6。[PMID:25706470] doi:10.7326 / M15-0337
  6. Anglemyer A,Horvath T,RutherfordG。家庭成员中枪支的可及性以及自杀和杀人罪的风险:系统的回顾和荟萃分析。安实习生。2014; 160:101-10。[PMID:24592495]
  7. Anglemyer A,Miller ML,Buttrey S,Whitaker L.现役军人的自杀率和方法,2005年至2011年:队列研究。安实习生。2016; 165:167-74。[PMID:27272476] doi:10.7326 / M15-2785
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  9. Goldstick JE,Carter PM,Walton MA,Dahlberg LL,Sumner SA,Zimmerman MA等。SaFETy评分的发展:一种用于预测未来枪支暴力风险的临床筛查工具。安实习生。2017; 166:707-14。[PMID:28395357] doi:10.7326 / M16-1927
  10. Studdert DM,Zhang Y,Rodden JA,Hyndman RJ,Wintemute GJ。在两次大规模枪击事件发生后,在加利福尼亚进行了手枪收购。安实习生。2017; 166:698-706。[PMID:28462425] doi:10.7326 / M16-1574
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  12. Miller M,Hepburn L,AzraelD。无背景检查的枪支购买:国家调查的结果。安实习生。2017; 166:233-9。[PMID:28055050] doi:10.7326 / M16-1590
  13. Rowhani-Rahbar A,Fan MD,Simonetti JA,Lyons VH,Wang J,Zatzick D等。因意外伤害和与攻击有关的枪支住院的患者中的暴力行为:一项病例对照研究和一项队列研究。安实习生。2016; 165:841-7。[PMID:27750282] doi:10.7326 / M16-1596
  14. Rowhani-Rahbar A,Zatzick D,Wang J,Mills BM,Simonetti JA,Fan MD等。枪支相关的住院治疗以及随后发生暴力伤害,死亡或犯罪的风险:一项队列研究。安实习生。2015; 162:492-500。[PMID:25706337] doi:10.7326 / M14-2362
  15. Hsieh JK,Arias JJ,Sarmey N,Rose JA,Tousi B.认知障碍者中的枪支:一项横断面研究。安实习生。2015; 163:485-7。[PMID:26370021] doi:10.7326 / L15-5138
  16. Butkus R,Weissman A. Internists对预防枪支伤害的态度。安实习生。2014; 160:821-7。[PMID:24722784] doi:10.7326 / M13-1960
  17. Boggs JM,Simon GE,Ahmedani BK,Peterson E,Hubley S,BeckA。枪支自杀与精神疾病,药物使用条件和先前的自杀未遂的关联。安实习生。2017; 167:287-8。[PMID:28672343] doi:10.7326 / L17-0111
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  21. Taichman DB,Bauchner H,Drazen JM,Laine C,Peiperl L.与枪支有关的伤害和死亡:美国的医疗危机,需要医疗保健专业人员。安实习生。2017年。[Epub提前发行]。doi:10.7326 / M17-2657
  22. Fisher J,Bonomi A.枪支交出法:促进妇女健康的承诺。安实习生。2017. [PMID:28975259] doi:10.7326 / M17-2399
  23. 韦伯斯特DW。枪击案对美国人的真正影响。安实习生。2017; 166:749-50。[PMID:28462426] doi:10.7326 / M17-0943
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  25. 美国的Hargarten S.火器伤害:有效管理必须解决生物物理和生物心理社会因素。安实习生。2016; 165:882-3。[PMID:27750331] doi:10.7326 / M16-2244
  26. 温伯格SE。遏制枪支暴力:确定医生行动的具体目标。安实习生。2016; 165:221-2。[PMID:27183475] doi:10.7326 / M16-0968
  27. Taichman DB,Laine C.减少与枪支有关的伤害:是我们学习和说话的时候了[Editorial]。安实习生。2015; 162:520-1。[PMID:25706587] doi:10.7326 / M15-0428
  28. Hemenway D.枪支,自杀和凶杀案:个人水平与人口水平的研究[编辑]。安实习生。2014; 160:134-5。[PMID:24592499]
  29. Kapp MB。老年患者,枪支和医师。安实习生。2013; 159:421-2。[PMID:23836076] doi:10.7326 / 0003-4819-159-5-201309030-00682
  30. Fisher CE,Lieberman JA。弄清有关枪支暴力和精神疾病的事实:将同情心置于恐惧之上。安实习生。2013; 159:423-4。[PMID:23836046] doi:10.7326 / 0003-4819-159-5-201309030-00679
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  32. Frattaroli S,Webster DW,Wintemute GJ。实施预防枪支暴力的公共卫生方法:医生参与的重要性。安实习生。2013; 158:697-8。[PMID:23400374] doi:10.7326 / 0003-4819-158-9-201305070-00597
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  34. Betz ME,Ranney ML,Wintemute GJ。内科医生,患者和枪支:法院说“是”。安实习生。2017; 166:745-6。[PMID:28265644] doi:10.7326 / M17-0489
  35. Wintemute GJ。您可以采取哪些措施来制止枪支暴力。安实习生。2017年。[Epub提前发行]。doi:10.7326 / M17-2672
  36. Wintemute GJ,Betz ME和Ranney ML。是的,您可以:医生,患者和枪支。安实习生。2016; 165:205-13。[PMID:27183181] doi:10.7326 / M15-2905