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Journal of the National Cancer Institute ( IF 9.9 ) Pub Date : 2017-10-16 , DOI: 10.1093/jnci/djx212

Corrigendum: “Augmentation of response to chemotherapy by microRNA-506 through regulation of RAD51 in serous ovarian cancers” by G Liu et al. J Natl Cancer Inst 2015; 107(7): doi:10.1093/jnci/djv108. Upon reviewing the manuscript, the authors found that one of the images in Figure 2C (HeyA8 cell line) was inadvertently duplicated. The image appears to be symmetrically the same as the one presented in Figure 3B. The mistake occurred while the authors were using one image as a template for adjusting picture size. The image in Figure 2C has been corrected. This change does not impact the conclusions of the study. The authors apologize for this mistake.



更正: “由浆液性卵巢癌通过调控RAD51增强microRNA-506对化学疗法的反应”,作者:G Liu等。J Natl癌症研究所2015;107(7): doi:10.1093 / jnci / djv108。在审阅手稿时,作者发现图2C中的图像之一(HeyA8细胞系)被无意复制。该图像看起来与图3B中呈现的图像对称。当作者使用一张图像作为模板来调整图片大小时发生了错误。图2C中的图像已得到纠正。这种变化不会影响研究的结论。作者对此错误表示歉意。