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The Brain Is Needed to Cure Spinal Cord Injury
Trends in Neurosciences ( IF 14.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tins.2017.08.002
Tadashi Isa

Damage to corticospinal fibers in the cervical spinal cord is known to impair dexterous hand movements. However, accumulating evidence has shown that precision grip can recover considerably through rehabilitative training. Recent multidisciplinary studies have revealed that, at the spinal level, this recovery is possible due to an indirect neural pathway through propriospinal neurons (PNs), which relay cortical commands to hand motoneurons. Although this indirect spinal pathway is heavily involved in recovery, its role is dwarfed by a simultaneous large-scale network reorganization spanning motor-related cortices and mesolimbic structures. This large-scale network reorganization is key to the regulation of recovery and future therapeutic strategies will need to take into account the involvement of these supraspinal centers in addition to the known role of the spinal cord.



众所周知,颈脊髓中皮质脊髓纤维的损伤会影响灵巧的手部运动。然而,越来越多的证据表明,精确握力可以通过康复训练得到显着恢复。最近的多学科研究表明,在脊柱水平,这种恢复是可能的,这是由于通过本体脊髓神经元 (PN) 的间接神经通路,将皮层命令传递给手部运动神经元。尽管这种间接的脊髓通路在很大程度上参与了恢复,但它的作用与跨越运动相关皮质和中脑边缘结构的同步大规模网络重组相形见绌。