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Evidence for the polyphyly of Encoelia and Encoelioideae with reconsideration of respective families in Leotiomycetes
Fungal Diversity ( IF 24.5 ) Pub Date : 2016-08-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s13225-016-0370-0
Kadri Pärtel , Hans-Otto Baral , Heidi Tamm , Kadri Põldmaa

This study focuses on the genus Encoelia and the subfamily Encoelioideae in the morphologically and ecologically diverse Helotiales. The 28S and 18S rDNA as well as tef1, rpb1 and rpb2 were sequenced for 70 species. Phylogenetic analyses revealed Encoelia and Encoelioideae to be highly polyphyletic, with species distributed among eight major lineages. Encoelia fascicularis and E. pruinosa belonged to Sclerotiniaceae and were combined in a new genus, Sclerencoelia. Rutstroemiaceae comprised E. tiliacea and Dencoeliopsis johnstonii, both accepted in Rutstroemia. The type of Encoelia, E. furfuracea, was closely related to species of Velutarina, Cenangiopsis and Crumenulopsis. These species together with members of Hemiphacidiaceae formed a clade conforming to the emended concept of Cenangiaceae, introduced here. Another resurrected family, Cordieritidaceae, comprised E. fimbriata, E. heteromera and species of Ameghiniella, Cordierites, Diplocarpa and Ionomidotis, characterised by inamyloid asci and a positive ionomidotic reaction. Encoelia glauca showed closest affinities with Chlorociboria species in Chlorociboriaceae. A new genus, Xeropilidium, with sporodochial and pycnidial synanamorphs, was described for the distinct encoelioid member of the Chaetomellaceae, previously known as E. fuckelii. Morphological and ecological synapomorphies were distinguished from convergent characters to delimit monophyletic taxa including encoelioid fungi. Incorporation of public sequences from various biological samples in ITS rDNA analyses allowed identification of sequenced organisms at species, genus, or family level and added information on the ecology of seversal taxa. Members of Cenangiaceae appeared to be widespread as endophytes. Inclusion of encoelioid genera in Chaetomellaceae and Sclerotiniaceae added xylicolous saprotrophs to these families.



这项研究的重点是形态和生态学上不同的Heletiales的Encoelia属和Encoelioide的亚科。28S和18S的rDNA的以及TEF1RPB1RPB 2进行测序了70种。系统发育分析表明,EncoeliaEncoelioideae是高度多系的,物种分布在八个主要谱系中。Encoelia fascicularisE. pruinosa属于菌核科,并合并成一个新属菌Sclerencoelia金盏花科包括t约翰氏登革热(Dencoeliopsis johnstonii),都接受了金属贫血EncoeliaE. furfuracea)的类型与VelutarinaCenangiopsisCrumenulopsis的种类密切相关这些物种与半球菌科的成员共同组成了进化枝,符合此处介绍的仙茅科的改良概念。另一种复活的家庭,Cordieritidaceae,由E.鳅,E. heteromera和种类Ameghiniella堇青石DiplocarpaIonomidotis,其特征在于非淀粉样蛋白的asci和正离子电渗反应。在绿藻科中,青绿Encoelia glauca蓝藻物种的亲和力最强。描述了一种新的属,即孢子虫属,具有孢子体和壶菌的突触体,是夏枯草科独特的包涵体成员以前被称为E. fuckelii。形态学和生态学上的同形异型与会聚性特征区别开来,以界定包括胚乳类真菌在内的单系类群。将来自各种生物样品的公共序列整合到ITS rDNA分析中,可以鉴定物种,属或家族级别的测序生物,并增加了有关横向分类群生态学的信息。蕨科的成员似乎以内生菌的形式广泛分布。鞘翅目科和菌核科中包囊类属的加入为这些科增加了木糖腐生物。