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Phylogeny of saprobic microfungi from Southern Europe
Studies in Mycology ( IF 14.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-05-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.simyco.2017.05.002
M. Hernández-Restrepo , J. Gené , R.F. Castañeda-Ruiz , J. Mena-Portales , P.W. Crous , J. Guarro

During a survey of saprophytic microfungi on decomposing woody, herbaceous debris and soil from different regions in Southern Europe, a wide range of interesting species of asexual ascomycetes were found. Phylogenetic analyses based on partial gene sequences of SSU, LSU and ITS proved that most of these fungi were related to Sordariomycetes and Dothideomycetes and to lesser extent to Leotiomycetes and Eurotiomycetes. Four new monotypic orders with their respective families are proposed here, i.e. Lauriomycetales, Lauriomycetaceae; Parasympodiellales, Parasympodiellaceae; Vermiculariopsiellales, Vermiculariopsiellaceae and Xenospadicoidales, Xenospadicoidaceae. One new order and three families are introduced here to accommodate orphan taxa, viz. Kirschsteiniotheliales, Castanediellaceae, Leptodontidiaceae and Pleomonodictydaceae. Furthermore, Bloxamiaceae is validated. Based on morphology and phylogenetic affinities Diplococcium singulare, Trichocladium opacum and Spadicoides atra are moved to the new genera Paradiplococcium, Pleotrichocladium and Xenospadicoides, respectively. Helicoon fuscosporum is accommodated in the genus Magnohelicospora. Other novel genera include Neoascotaiwania with the type species N. terrestris sp. nov., and N. limnetica comb. nov. previously accommodated in Ascotaiwania; Pleomonodictys with P. descalsii sp. nov. as type species, and P. capensis comb. nov. previously accommodated in Monodictys; Anapleurothecium typified by A. botulisporum sp. nov., a fungus morphologically similar to Pleurothecium but phylogenetically distant; Fuscosclera typified by F. lignicola sp. nov., a meristematic fungus related to Leotiomycetes; Pseudodiplococcium typified by P. ibericum sp. nov. to accommodate an isolate previously identified as Diplococcium pulneyense; Xyladictyochaeta typified with X. lusitanica sp. nov., a foliicolous fungus related to Xylariales and similar to Dictyochaeta, but distinguished by polyphialidic conidiogenous cells produced on setiform conidiophores. Other novel species proposed are Brachysporiella navarrica, Catenulostroma lignicola, Cirrenalia iberica, Conioscypha pleiomorpha, Leptodontidium aureum, Pirozynskiella laurisilvatica, Parasympodiella lauri and Zanclospora iberica. To fix the application of some fungal names, lectotypes and/or epitypes are designated for Magnohelicospora iberica, Sporidesmium trigonellum, Sporidesmium opacum, Sporidesmium asperum, Camposporium aquaticum and Psilonia atra.



在一项腐生性微真菌对南欧不同地区的木质,草本残骸和土壤分解的调查中,发现了许多有趣的无性子囊菌。根据SSU,LSU和ITS的部分基因序列进行的系统发育分析表明,这些真菌大多数与SordariomycetesDothideomycetes有关,而在较小程度上与LeotiomycetesEurotiomycetes有关。在这里提出了四个新的带有其各自家族的单型订单,即月桂科,月桂科;以及月桂科。副鞭毛纲,副鞭毛纲; Vermiculariopsiellales,VermiculariopsiellaceaeXenospadicoidales,Xenospadicoidaceae。这里引入了一个新订单和三个家庭来容纳孤儿分类群,即。Kirschsteiniotheliales,板栗科,LeptodontidiaceaceaePleomonodictydaceae。此外,叶草科已得到验证。基于形态学和系统亲和力,将单枝双孢霉不透明毛孢菌Spadicoides atra分别移到了新的对伞菌PleotrichocladiumXenospadicoides属。Helicoon fuscosporum属于Magnohelicospora属。其他新属包括新物种Neoascotaiwania,其种为N. terrestrissp。十一月,和N. limnetica梳。十一月 以前住在Ascotaiwania;PleomonodictysP. descalsii SP。十一月 作为类型种,以及美国山核桃P. capensis)梳。十一月 以前被容纳在Monodictys中; 以肉毒曲霉为代表的厌食鞘膜炎A. botulisporum sp。)。nov。,一种真菌,在形态上与白灵菇相似,但在系统发育上距离较远;FuscoscleraF. lignicola sp。为代表。nov。,与Leotiomycetes有关的分生真菌Pseudodiplococcium代表为P. ibericumsp。十一月 容纳以前鉴定为肺炎双孢菌的分离株XyladictyochaetaX. lusitanica sp。为代表。nov。,一种与木霉属(Xylariales)有关的叶状真菌,类似于盘基梭菌Dictyochaeta),但以在定形分生孢子体上产生的多phialidic分生孢子细胞为特征。提出的其他新物种是短螺旋藻,褐毛线虫,纤毛毛毛虫,淡水锥虫,金黄色钩端螺旋体,拟南芥,细毛拟南芥,纤毛虫纤毛虫。为了修正某些真菌名称的应用,将选型和/或表型指定为菌丝虫,三角孢子虫,不透明孢子虫,曲霉孢子虫,水生弯曲杆菌和无叶sil虫
