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Phylogeny and taxonomic revision of Microascaceae with emphasis on synnematous fungi
Studies in Mycology ( IF 14.1 ) Pub Date : 2016-07-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.simyco.2016.07.002
M. Sandoval-Denis , J. Guarro , J.F. Cano-Lira , D.A. Sutton , N.P. Wiederhold , G.S. de Hoog , S.P. Abbott , C. Decock , L. Sigler , J. Gené

The taxonomy of the synnematous genera Cephalotrichum, Doratomyces and Trichurus, and other related genera Gamsia, Wardomyces and Wardomycopsis, has been controversial and relies mainly on morphological criteria. These are microascaceous saprobic fungi mostly found in air and soil and with a worldwide distribution. In order to clarify their taxonomy and to delineate generic boundaries within the Microascaceae, we studied 57 isolates that include clinical, environmental and all the available ex-type strains of a large set of species by means of morphological, physiological and molecular phylogenetic analyses using DNA sequence data of four loci (the ITS region, and fragments of rDNA LSU, translation elongation factor 1α and β-tubulin). The results demonstrate that Cephalotrichum, Doratomyces and Trichurus are congeneric and the genus Cephalotrichum is accepted here with Echinobotryum as a further synonym. The genera Acaulium and Fairmania, typified by A. albonigrescens and F. singularis, respectively, are distinct from Microascus and Scopulariopsis, Gamsia is distinct from Wardomyces, and Wardomycopsis is confirmed as a separate genus in the Microascaceae. Two new species of Cephalotrichum are described as C. brevistipitatum and C. hinnuleum. Nine new combinations are proposed, i.e. Acaulium acremonium, A. caviariforme, Cephalotrichum asperulum, C. columnare, C. cylindricum, C. dendrocephalum, C. gorgonifer, Gamsia columbina and Wardomyces giganteus. A neotype is designed for C. stemonitis. Lectotypes and epitypes are designated for A. acremonium, A. albonigrescens, C. gorgonifer, C. nanum and W. anomalus. Cephalotrichum cylindricum, C. microsporum, F. singularis and Gamsia columbina are also epitypified with new specimens. Descriptions of the phenotypic features and dichotomous keys for identification are provided for accepted species in the different genera.



在synnematous属的分类CephalotrichumDoratomycesTrichurus等相关属GamsiaWardomycesWardomycopsis,一直存在争议,主要依靠形态学标准。这些是微糖脂类腐生真菌,主要存在于空气和土壤中,并在世界范围内分布。为了阐明它们的分类学并划定微as科内的一般界线,我们通过形态学,生理学和分子系统发育分析,使用四个位点(ITS区域和rDNA片段)的DNA序列数据,研究了57种分离物,其中包括临床,环境和所有可用的大型种的ex-type菌株LSU,翻译延伸因子1α和β-微管蛋白)。结果表明,CephalotrichumDoratomycesTrichurus是同类且属Cephalotrichum在这里接受Echinobotryum作为进一步的代名词。au属和费尔曼氏菌属,以白僵菌奇异假单胞菌为代表分别是从不同的Microascus帚霉Gamsia有别于Wardomyces,和Wardomycopsis被确认为在一个单独的属Microascaceae。两新种Cephalotrichum被描述为C. brevistipitatumC. hinnuleum。提出了九个新的组合,即Acaulium顶头孢菌A. caviariformeCephalotrichum asperulumC. columnareC. cylindricumC. dendrocephalumC. gorgoniferGamsia columbinaWardomyces giganteus。一种新设计用于念珠菌性鼻炎。选模式和epitypes被指定为A.顶头孢菌A. albonigrescensC. gorgoniferC. nanumW. anomalusCephalotrichum cylindricumC.孢子F.辛格拉里斯Gamsia columbina也epitypified新标本。提供了不同属的已接受物种的表型特征和用于识别的二分法键的描述。
