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Synthesis and applications of conjugated pillar[5]arenes
Tetrahedron ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tet.2024.134021
Xin-Yu Dai , Qing-Ling Su , Ting-Ting Huang , Juan Liu , Tai-Bao Wei , Hong Yao , Bingbing Shi , Qi Lin

Pillar[n]arenes, as a new class of macrocyclic hosts, show bright prospect due to their rigid cavity structures, rich host-guest interactions, and easy functionalization. How to improve the host-guest recognition selectivity, signal report sensitivity and host-guest assembly properties of the pillar[n]arene-based hosts by rational functionalization is an attractive issue. Among various of functionalization approaches for pillar[5]arenes, constructing conjugated systems through the A, A′-sites of pillar[5]arenes is a very crucial method. In contrast to conventional alkoxy chain-functionalized pillar[5]arenes, conjugated pillar[5]arenes exhibit superior charge transfer and signal response capabilities, as well as a rigid structure that facilitates the construction of framework materials. Furthermore, they readily facilitate collaborative effects through functionalized groups within the cavity of the pillar[5]arenes. There are many nice works on design synthesis and applications of conjugated pillar[5]arenes in various fields. This minireview presents a systematic introduction on the synthesis of conjugated pillar[5]arenes and their applications in different fields.


