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Effects of ecological factors on the pollination biology and seed production of Salvia daiguii: A critically endangered ornamental species from China
Scientia Horticulturae ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.scienta.2024.113282
Han-Wen Xiao , Qing-Shan Liu , Yan-Bo Huang , Ru-Nan Tian

constitutes one of the largest genera in the Lamiaceae, with approximately 1,000 species found worldwide, and is recognized for its high ornamental and medicinal value. is a multipurpose perennial herb that grows on cliffs in the Zhangjiajie City, Hunan Province, China. Nevertheless, the pollination biology of vulnerable plants on cliffs, specifically the effects of abiotic factors on flower visitation and seed set, remains poorly understood. In this study, we observed the effects of biotic factors: flowering phenology and flower characteristics, flower longevity, nectar volume and concentration, pollen viability and stigma receptivity, pollinator visitation frequency, pollen remaining and deposition, and breeding systems, as well as abiotic factors: habitat fountain, temperature, and humidity, on the pollination and seed production of in two populations in Zhangjiajie City. The pollination biology results reveal that has a mixed mating system that depends on pollinators. The flower visitation and seed set of in the absence of natural fountain areas in Tianmenshan National Forest Park was scarcely affected by biotic factors. However, we observed a significant reduction in pollinator types, visitation frequency, and natural seed set of this population owing to abiotic factors, including the presence of a fountain habitat and increased humidity. Further, seed set in the Zhangjiaxi Ecological Forest Reserve was affected by both biotic (serious pollen limitation) and abiotic (higher population temperature) factors. We considered that pollinators types, flower visitation frequency, and natural seed set are vulnerable to the influence of ecological factors in fragmented habitats. Our results reveal the mechanisms contributing to the endangerment of species exemplified by and underscore the significance of conservation efforts for the sustainable use of other endangered species.