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A Stable and Sensitive Engineering Bacterial Sensor via Physical Biocontainment and Two-Stage Signal Amplification
Analytical Chemistry ( IF 7.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-07 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.4c01341
Huachao Che 1 , Zhiyue Wang 2, 3 , Yong Li 1 , Yulun Nie 1 , Xike Tian 1

Although engineering bacterial sensors have outstanding advantages in reflecting the actual bioavailability and continuous monitoring of pollutants, the potential escape risk of engineering microorganisms and lower detection sensitivity have always been one of the biggest challenges limiting their wider application. In this study, a core–shell hydrogel bead with functionalized silica as the core and alginate-polyacrylamide as the shell have been developed not only to realize zero escape of engineered bacteria but also to maintain cell activity in harsh environments, such as extremely acidic/alkaline pH, high salt concentration, and strong pressure. Particularly, after combining the selective preconcentration toward pollutants by functionalized core and the positive feedback signal amplification of engineering bacteria, biosensors have realized two-stage signal amplification, significantly improving the detection sensitivity and reducing the detection limit. In addition, this strategy was actually applied to the detection of As(III) and As(V) coexisting in environmental samples, and the detection sensitivity was increased by 3.23 and 4.39 times compared to sensors without signal amplification strategy, respectively, and the detection limits were as low as 0.39 and 0.86 ppb, respectively.