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Laser induced spark ignition of a gaseous methane–oxygen model rocket combustor
Combustion and Flame ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2024.113463
Ryan M. Strelau , Mark D. Frederick , Timothy R. Winter , William C.B. Senior , Rohan M. Gejji , Carson D. Slabaugh

The spatio-temporal evolution of laser induced spark ignition of non-premixed gaseous methane and oxygen is investigated. The reactants are injected into an optically accessible combustion chamber from an oxidizer centered shear-coaxial injector. High-speed schlieren imaging and measurements of laser energy deposited are used to characterize ignition behavior at various spark locations throughout the chamber. A spatial map of ignition probability is generated from tests at multiple axial and radial locations from the point of propellant injection. The rate of pressure rise from successful tests reveals two modes of ignition dependent on the location of the laser-induced breakdown, and , based on laser-induced breakdown occurring within reactant jet or in the recirculation region, respectively. Physical processes occurring over multiple timescales throughout the direct ignition method are first discussed. Ignition outcomes associated with the indirect method are determined by the hydrodynamic ejection protruding from the laser spark, the behavior of which is explored in detail using flow statistics extracted from images taken at a single spark location. The spatial–temporal progression of this jet is found to be dependent on deposited laser energy, leading to a relationship between the amount of energy added to the flow and ignition outcome. General bounds for spark location, deposited laser energy, and ejection behavior are identified to predict ignition outcomes. Cases that are an exception from these bounds are investigated in detail to understand the cause of unique behavior. These cases lie within regions of the variable space that are susceptible to stochastic elements of the flow.


