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Predicting post-fire hydrological and erosive catchment response during rainfall events. A comparison of OpenLISEM and MOHID Land models
Journal of Hydrology ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.131258
Marta Basso , Jantiene Baartman , Martinho Martins , Jacob Keizer , Diana Vieira

Wildfires are a source of instability for the natural water cycle in forested watersheds, endangering the water quantity and quality reaching downstream water bodies. The faster hydrological response of a burned area leads to increased runoff and transport of sediment and ash particles during and after rainfall events. Therefore, the use of an adequate spatiotemporal resolution in hydrological models is necessary to properly estimate post-fire impacts. Especially when addressing hydrological events such as flash floods and debris flows, which are highly unpredictable and are characterized by short duration and high impact outside the burned area.


预测降雨事件期间的火后水文和侵蚀流域响应。 OpenLISEM 和 MOHID Land 模型的比较
