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Not All Boxes Are Equal: Learning to Optimize Bounding Boxes With Discriminative Distributions in Optical Remote Sensing Images
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-02 , DOI: 10.1109/tgrs.2024.3396134
Qi Ming 1 , Lingjuan Miao 1 , Zhiqiang Zhou 1 , Nicolas Vercheval 2 , Aleksandra Pižurica 2

Detecting oriented objects in optical remote sensing images has been consistently challenging due to difficulties in bounding boxes’ localization. The cascaded regression framework, widely used for high-quality bounding box refinement, has demonstrated effectiveness in this domain. However, our experiments reveal a discontinuity issue in bounding box optimization in cascaded regression framework. As a result, performance gain is not guaranteed across all stages in this framework. In this article, we propose a distribution discriminative detector (DDDet) to address the above issues and enhance the optimization of bounding boxes in oriented object detection. Specifically, a novel conditional anchor refinement framework (CARF) is designed to improve cascaded regression structure. CARF distinguishes bounding boxes with different distributions, adaptively optimizing them within the well-assigned regressors. Subsequently, the aligned convolution module (ACM) is integrated into each regressor, facilitating the continuous alignment between features and refined anchors. Furthermore, the geometry-guided training sample selection (GTSS) method is incorporated into CARF to assign labels based on object shape priors. Experimental results show that DDDet obtains state-of-the-art performance on mainstream datasets for oriented object detection in remote sensing image, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed method. Our method surpasses many current single-stage detectors, two-stage detectors, and refine-stage detectors, achieving the mAP of 79.41% on the DOTA dataset and 44.15% on the FAIR1M dataset.


