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Modeling ferroptosis in human dopaminergic neurons: Pitfalls and opportunities for neurodegeneration research
Redox Biology ( IF 11.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.redox.2024.103165
Nadine Renner , Franziska Schöb , Regina Pape , Ilinca Suciu , Anna-Sophie Spreng , Anna-Katharina Ückert , Eike Cöllen , Federica Bovio , Bruno Chilian , Johannes Bauer , Stefan Röpcke , Jörg Bergemann , Marcel Leist , Stefan Schildknecht

The activation of ferroptosis is being pursued in cancer research as a strategy to target apoptosis-resistant cells. By contrast, in various diseases that affect the cardiovascular system, kidneys, liver, and central and peripheral nervous systems, attention is directed toward interventions that prevent ferroptotic cell death. Mechanistic insights into both research areas stem largely from studies using cellular models. However, intervention strategies that show promise in cellular test systems often fail in clinical trials, which raises concerns regarding the predictive validity of the utilized models.


