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Exploring quantum entanglement in chiral symmetry partial restoration with 1+1 string model
Physics Letters B ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2024.138675
Wei Kou , Xurong Chen

Within the confining color flux tube picture, we assess the color electric field generated by quark-antiquark pairs within the framework of the Schwinger model and estimate its impact on the chiral condensate. We observe differences in the distribution of the color flux tube generated by quark-antiquark pairs at different separation distances, leading to discrepancies in the partial restoration of chiral symmetry. Furthermore, we suggest incorporating the color magnetic field in the calculation of chiral condensate, leading to quantum entanglement effects, and proceed to compute the entanglement entropy. We observe that the entanglement entropy increases with the distance of the color source (the separation distance between quark and anti-quark), and the magnitude of the color electric field and chiral condensate restoration after spatial integration also increases with the distance of the color source. Then, we try to provide a qualitative explanation for the existence of these phenomena.


