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Recent advances in cyclization reactions via catalytic allylic substitution for the asymmetric synthesis of heterocyclic compounds
Tetrahedron Letters ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tetlet.2024.155071
Bendu Pan , Chitreddy V. Subba Reddy , Yunru Wu , Liqin Qiu

The role of allylic substitution reactions is crucial in organic synthesis. Through these reactions, the development of numerous molecular structures with a wide range of applications can be achieved in diverse fields. They also provide an efficient methodology for synthesizing novel heterocyclic compounds with potential as drugs, natural products, and bioactive structures. This review summarizes the research progress in cyclization reactions catalytic allylic substitution for the asymmetric synthesis of heterocyclic compounds over the past five years. The discussion focused on catalytic asymmetric allylic substitutions with nitrogen, oxygen and carbon nucleophiles.


