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Introduction to the Compendium On Environmental Impacts on Cardiovascular Health and Biology
Circulation Research ( IF 20.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-25 , DOI: 10.1161/circresaha.124.324664
Naomi M. Hamburg 1 , Kathryn J. Moore 2

Our actions shape the world we live in. In turn, our natural, built, and social conditions shape our health. In recent years, the impact of environmental hazards on human health has emerged as an area of growing concern and intensive study. Among the various health issues linked to environmental factors, cardiovascular diseases are particularly notable due to their prevalence and their status as the leading cause of death worldwide. This compendium brings together a selection of reviews that offer a comprehensive overview of the current state of knowledge in this field.

This compendium opens with an overview highlighting key evidence across the multiple environmental exposures and a model for their intersections. The reviews included cover a wide array of environmental hazards, from air, noise, and light pollution to exposure to heavy metals and forever chemicals, as well as strategies to mitigate their impact on the cardiovascular system. Also covered are the impacts of climate change, including the rising incidence of heatwaves and wildfires, on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. In this comprehensive compendium, the authors delve into the mechanisms through which environmental exposures can influence cardiovascular health, examining both direct effects on the heart and vasculature, as well as through systemic inflammation, oxidative stress, and other pathways. The scientific approaches used to interrogate how the environment alters cardiovascular health from toxicity studies, animal exposures, epidemiology, and modeling are discussed. Throughout this issue, there is attention to the differential impact of environmental risks on vulnerable populations and the structural inequities in levels of adverse exposures across communities.

As a new approach to bringing together timely reviews with timely science, this compendium was accompanied by a call for research letters reporting basic, observational, translational, and regulatory science related to advancing the understanding of the intersection of environment and cardiovascular disease risk. The research letters included in this issue are intended to be rapid communications of science in this quickly evolving field that will spark new discoveries and areas of research. Along with the accompanying review articles, they highlight the importance of interdisciplinary research in this field, bridging the gap between environmental science, cardiology, public health, and other disciplines. By integrating diverse perspectives, our compendium aims to foster a comprehensive understanding of the environmental determinants of cardiovascular health and to inspire innovative strategies for prevention and intervention.

We hope that this compendium will serve as a valuable tool for those seeking to understand the environmental dimensions of cardiovascular health, and it will stimulate further research and action to protect both our health and the environment.








