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Observation of current whirlpools in graphene at room temperature
Science ( IF 56.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-25 , DOI: 10.1126/science.adj2167
Marius L. Palm 1 , Chaoxin Ding 1 , William S. Huxter 1 , Takashi Taniguchi 2 , Kenji Watanabe 3 , Christian L. Degen 1, 4

Electron–electron interactions in high-mobility conductors can give rise to transport signatures resembling those described by classical hydrodynamics. Using a nanoscale scanning magnetometer, we imaged a distinctive hydrodynamic transport pattern—stationary current vortices—in a monolayer graphene device at room temperature. By measuring devices with increasing characteristic size, we observed the disappearance of the current vortex and thus verified a prediction of the hydrodynamic model. We further observed that vortex flow is present for both hole- and electron-dominated transport regimes but disappears in the ambipolar regime. We attribute this effect to a reduction of the vorticity diffusion length near charge neutrality. Our work showcases the power of local imaging techniques for unveiling exotic mesoscopic transport phenomena.


