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Environmental Impacts on Cardiovascular Health and Biology: An Overview
Circulation Research ( IF 20.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-25 , DOI: 10.1161/circresaha.123.323613
Jacob R. Blaustein 1 , Matthew J. Quisel 2 , Naomi M. Hamburg 3 , Sharine Wittkopp 1

Environmental stressors associated with human activities (eg, air and noise pollution, light disturbance at night) and climate change (eg, heat, wildfires, extreme weather events) are increasingly recognized as contributing to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. These harmful exposures have been shown to elicit changes in stress responses, circadian rhythms, immune cell activation, and oxidative stress, as well as traditional cardiovascular risk factors (eg, hypertension, diabetes, obesity) that promote cardiovascular diseases. In this overview, we summarize evidence from human and animal studies of the impacts of environmental exposures and climate change on cardiovascular health. In addition, we discuss strategies to reduce the impact of environmental risk factors on current and future cardiovascular disease burden, including urban planning, personal monitoring, and mitigation measures.


