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Thermal radiation and propagation of tiny particles in magnetized Eyring–Powell binary reactive fluid with generalized Arrhenius kinetics
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering ( IF 6.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.csite.2024.104409
S.O. Salawu , T.A. Yusuf , A.M. Obalalu , E.O. Fatunmbi

The interest in improving the industrial and engineering working fluid for optimal productivity inspired studies on various fluid materials. Cauchy stress tensor fluids with suitable non-Newtonian rheological properties will enhance industrial fluids. Thus, Eyring-Powell fluid with applicable properties serves as a platform to promote engineering base fluid materials. As such, this study examines tiny particle thermal radiation and propagation in binary reactive Eyring-Powell with generalized Arrhenius kinetics fluid. A theoretical partial derivative boundary value model is developed and transformed into an applicable invariant model via similarity quantities. A Chebyshev collocation method is adopted to solve the model, and the outcomes quantitatively and qualitatively agree with the existing ones. The impact of fluidic terms on the Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid cases is investigated, and the tiny particle propagation in the Eyring-Powell binary reactive fluid is enhanced with rising thermal radiation.


