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Polarimetric measurement of temporal coherence in electromagnetic light beams
Optics Express ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-23 , DOI: 10.1364/oe.507950
Jyrki Laatikainen , Kimmo Saastamoinen , Andreas Norrman , Jose Gil , Ari Tapio Friberg , Tero Setälä

We present a method to determine the degree of temporal coherence of a quasimonochromatic vectorial light beam by polarimetric measurements. More specifically, we employ Michelson’s interferometer in which the polarization Stokes parameters of the output (interference) beam are measured as a function of the time delay. Such a measurement enables us to deduce the magnitudes of the coherence (two-time) Stokes parameters, and hence the degree of coherence, of the input beam. Compared to existing methods the current technique has the benefits that neither optical elements in the arms of the interferometer nor visibility measurements are needed. The method is demonstrated with a laser diode and a filtered halogen source of various degrees of polarization.


