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The era of panomics-driven gene discovery in plants
Trends in Plant Science ( IF 20.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tplants.2024.03.007
Shefali Mishra , Ashish Kumar Srivastava , Aamir W. Khan , Lam-Son Phan Tran , Henry T. Nguyen

Panomics is an approach to integrate multiple ‘omics’ datasets, generated using different individuals or natural variations. Considering their diverse phenotypic spectrum, the phenome is inherently associated with panomics-based science, which is further combined with genomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics, and other omics techniques, either independently or collectively. Panomics has been accelerated through recent technological advancements in the field of genomics that enable the detection of population-wide structural variations (SVs) and hence offer unprecedented insights into the genetic variations contributing to important agronomic traits. The present review provides the recent trends of panomics-driven gene discovery toward various traits related to plant development, stress tolerance, accumulation of specialized metabolites, and domestication/dedomestication. In addition, the success stories are highlighted in the broader context of enhancing crop productivity.



