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Genetic mechanisms of animal camouflage: an interdisciplinary perspective
Trends in Genetics ( IF 11.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tig.2024.03.009
Guangping Huang , Yubo Zhang , Wei Zhang , Fuwen Wei

Camouflage is a classic example of a trait wherein animals respond to natural selection to avoid predation or attract prey. This unique phenomenon has attracted significant recent attention and the rapid development of integrative research methods is facilitating advances in our understanding of the in-depth genetic mechanisms of camouflage. In this review article, we revisit camouflage definitions and strategies and then we examine the underlying mechanisms of the two most common forms of camouflage, crypsis and masquerade, that have recently been elucidated using multiple approaches. We also discuss unresolved questions related to camouflage. Ultimately, we highlight the implications of camouflage for informing various key issues in ecology and evolution.



