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Dispersal evolution and eco-evolutionary dynamics in antagonistic species interactions
Trends in Ecology & Evolution ( IF 16.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tree.2024.03.006
Giacomo Zilio , Jhelam N. Deshpande , Alison B. Duncan , Emanuel A. Fronhofer , Oliver Kaltz

Dispersal evolution modifies diverse spatial processes, such as range expansions or biological invasions of single species, but we are currently lacking a realistic vision for metacommunities. Focusing on antagonistic species interactions, we review existing theory of dispersal evolution between natural enemies, and explain how this might be relevant for classic themes in host-parasite evolutionary ecology, namely virulence evolution or local adaptation. Specifically, we highlight the importance of considering the simultaneous (co)evolution of dispersal and interaction traits. Linking such multi-trait evolution with reciprocal demographic and epidemiological feedbacks might change basic predictions about coevolutionary processes and spatial dynamics of interacting species. Future challenges concern the integration of system-specific disease ecology or spatial modifiers, such as spatial network structure or environmental heterogeneity.



