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Advances in Cell-Rich Inks for Biofabricating Living Architectures
Advanced Materials ( IF 29.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-19 , DOI: 10.1002/adma.202313776
José Almeida‐Pinto 1 , Beatriz S. Moura 1 , Vítor M. Gaspar 1 , João F. Mano 1

Advancing biofabrication toward manufacturing living constructs with well-defined architectures and increasingly biologically relevant cell densities is highly desired to mimic the biofunctionality of native human tissues. The formulation of tissue-like, cell-dense inks for biofabrication remains, however, challenging at various levels of the bioprinting process. Promising advances have been made toward this goal, achieving relatively high cell densities that surpass those found in conventional platforms, pushing the current boundaries closer to achieving tissue-like cell densities. On this focus, herein the overarching challenges in the bioprocessing of cell-rich living inks into clinically grade engineered tissues are discussed, as well as the most recent advances in cell-rich living ink formulations and their processing technologies are highlighted. Additionally, an overview of the foreseen developments in the field is provided and critically discussed.


