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The impact of maternal age on aneuploidy in oocytes: Reproductive consequences, molecular mechanisms, and future directions
Ageing Research Reviews ( IF 13.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.arr.2024.102292
Weiwei Huang , Xinyuan Li , Hongbo Yang , Hefeng Huang

Age-related aneuploidy in human oocytes is a major factor contributing to decreased fertility and adverse reproductive outcomes. As females age, their oocytes are more prone to meiotic chromosome segregation errors, leading primarily to aneuploidy. Elevated aneuploidy rates have also been observed in oocytes from very young, prepubertal conceptions. A key barrier to developing effective treatments for age-related oocyte aneuploidy is our incomplete understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved. The challenge is becoming increasingly critical as more people choose to delay childbearing, a trend that has significant societal implications. In this review, we summarize current knowledge regarding the process of oocyte meiosis and folliculogenesis, highlighting the relationship between age and chromosomal aberrations in oocytes and embryos, and integrate proposed mechanisms of age-related meiotic disturbances across structural, protein, and genomic levels. Our goal is to spur new research directions and therapeutic avenues.


