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Nonlinear resonant responses and chaotic dynamics of three-dimensional braided composite cylindrical shell
Aerospace Science and Technology ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ast.2024.109099
Wei Zhang , Huiying Zheng , Tao Liu , Yan Zheng , Yingjing Qian

The advanced three-dimensional braided composite structure has excellent integrity, which can effectively avoid the problems of interlayer stress jump and interface debonding that may occur in traditional composite laminated structures. However, most of the existing references on the three-dimensional braided composite structure are fragmented, and there is little research on their vibrations. Taking the cylindrical shell of a rocket as the object and considering the complex flight environment, a general framework for the vibration problems of the three-dimensional braided composite shell is proposed for the first time. The equivalent mechanical parameters of the three-dimensional braided composite material are calculated based on the volume averaging method. Then, the nonlinear dynamic model of the three-dimensional braided composite cylindrical shell is established, and the natural vibration characteristics are analyzed. Under the case of 1:1 internal resonance, the pseudo-arc length continuation method is used to solve the nonlinear resonant responses of this nonlinear system. Finally, we apply the fourth-order Runge-Kutta algorithm to study the chaotic dynamics of the three-dimensional braided composite cylindrical shell model. This framework presented in this paper can be extended to the study of nonlinear vibrations and chaotic dynamics of other three-dimensional braided composite structures.


