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High fidelity Not gate on superconduting phase qubit
Laser Physics Letters ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-16 , DOI: 10.1088/1612-202x/ad3cc2
Bin-Hao Mao , Bo Gong , Chun-Liu Zhao , Tao Tu

NOT gate is one of the basic units in quantum computing. While it suffers from the noise during the complex operation. In this paper, we simulate the NOT gate on the superconducting phase qubit and solve the noise problem by maximizing the impact of noise cancellation. We first extract the noise term from the Hamiltonian and reset it to zero. Then we give two kinds of pulses based on the non-noise term for the quantum gate. By using these pulses, the fidelity would be improved and benefit quantum computing.


