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An Exciting Juncture for Signal Processing Research: On Building Bridges, Challenges, and Opportunities [From the Editor]
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine ( IF 14.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-16 , DOI: 10.1109/msp.2024.3377308
Tülay Adali

A warm greeting to the signal processing community as I start my term as the editor-in-chief of IEEE Signal Processing Magazine ( SPM ). I hope to be worthy of the confidence invested in me and to be able to follow successfully in Christian Jutten’s footsteps. He led our magazine for three years with dedication and brought timely topics like green signal processing, ethics, and reproducibility to the attention of our community. I certainly have big shoes to fill!



在我开始担任《信号处理》杂志主编之际,向信号处理界致以热烈的问候IEEE 信号处理杂志( 大专文凭)。我希望无愧于人们对我的信任,并能够成功地追随克里斯蒂安·朱顿的脚步。他执着地领导了我们的杂志三年,并及时将绿色信号处理、道德和可重复性等主题引起了我们社区的关注。我当然有大鞋子要填补!