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How on earth did I miss that?
The BMJ ( IF 105.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-11 , DOI: 10.1136/bmj.q847
Giles Maskell

Radiological errors will always happen, writes Giles Maskell. Acknowledging that is not the same as complacency I have been speaking to radiologists about error for several years. Recently I have had the opportunity to discuss the issues with other groups including lawyers, journalists, and regulators. Two questions tend to recur in these conversations. The first concerns the existence of an “acceptable” error rate in radiology. Is there one, and if so, what is it? My first response to this is: acceptable to whom? If I were a patient harmed as a result of misinterpreting my images, I would not regard that as “acceptable,” no matter how skilful the radiologist is most of the time. Nor is it “acceptable” to me as the radiologist. I hate getting things wrong. Yes, I know it happens, but …


