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Exploring solvation structure and transport behavior for rational design of advanced electrolytes for next generation of lithium batteries
Applied Physics Reviews ( IF 15.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-12 , DOI: 10.1063/5.0187154
Xiaozhao Liu 1 , Volodymyr Koverga 2, 3 , Hoai T. Nguyen 4 , Anh T. Ngo 2, 3 , Tao Li 1, 5

The efficacy of electrolytes significantly affects battery performance, leading to the development of several strategies to enhance them. Despite this, the understanding of solvation structure remains inadequate. It is imperative to understand the structure–property–performance relationship of electrolytes using diverse techniques. This review explores the recent advancements in electrolyte design strategies for high capacity, high-voltage, wide-temperature, fast-charging, and safe applications. To begin, the current state-of-the-art electrolyte design directions are comprehensively reviewed. Subsequently, advanced techniques and computational methods used to understand the solvation structure are discussed. Additionally, the importance of high-throughput screening and advanced computation of electrolytes with the help of machine learning is emphasized. Finally, future horizons for studying electrolytes are proposed, aimed at improving battery performance and promoting their application in various fields by enhancing the microscopic understanding of electrolytes.


