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Dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes from aboveground sources to groundwater in livestock farms
Water Research ( IF 12.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2024.121584
Liusheng Lei , Nan Chen , Zeyou Chen , Yirong Zhao , Huai Lin , Xi Li , Wenjin Hu , Hanhui Zhang , Jingliang Shi , Yi Luo

Antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB) and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) are prevalent in various environments on livestock farms, including livestock waste, soil, and groundwater. Contamination of groundwater by ARB and ARGs in livestock farms is a growing concern as it may have potentially huge risks to human health. However, the source of groundwater-borne ARB and ARGs in animal farms remains largely unknown. In this study, different types of samples including groundwater and its potential contamination sources from aboveground (pig feces, wastewater, and soil) from both working and abandoned swine feedlots in southern China were collected and subjected to metagenomic sequencing and ARB isolation. The source tracking based on metagenomic analysis revealed that 56–95 % of ARGs in groundwater was attributable to aboveground sources. Using metagenomic assembly, we found that 45 ARGs predominantly conferring resistance to aminoglycosides, sulfonamides, and tetracyclines could be transferred from the aboveground sources to groundwater, mostly through plasmid-mediated horizontal gene transfer. Furthermore, the full-length nucleotide sequences of , and detected in ARB isolates exhibited the close evolutionary relationships between aboveground sources and groundwater. Some isolated strains of antibiotic-resistant spp. from aboveground sources and groundwater had the high similarity (average nucleotide identity > 99 %). Notably, the groundwater-borne ARGs were identified as mainly carried by bacterial pathogens, potentially posing risks to human and animal health. Overall, this study underscores the dissemination of ARGs from aboveground sources to groundwater in animal farms and associated risks.