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Neutralization of Rubella Vaccine Virus and Immunodeficiency-Related Vaccine-Derived Rubella Viruses by Intravenous Immunoglobulins
The Journal of Infectious Diseases ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-09 , DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiae182
Min-hsin Chen 1 , Ludmila Perelygina 1 , LiJuan Hao 1 , R Suzanne Beard 1 , Cornelia Lackner 2 , Maria R Farcet 2 , Michael Karbiener 2 , Joseph Icenogle 1 , Thomas R Kreil 2

The association between granulomas and vaccine-derived rubella virus (VDRV) in people with primary immune deficiencies (PID) has raised concerns about the ability of immunoglobulin (IG) preparations to neutralize VDRVs. We investigated the capacity of IG to neutralize rubella vaccine virus and four VDRV strains. As expected, the rubella vaccine virus itself was potently neutralized by IG preparations; however, the VDRV isolates from patients after intra-host evolution, 2-6 times less so. Diagnosis of immune deficiencies before possible live-virus vaccination is thus of critical importance, while IG replacement therapy can be expected to provide protection from rubella virus infection.



原发性免疫缺陷 (PID) 患者的肉芽肿与疫苗衍生风疹病毒 (VDRV) 之间的关联引起了人们对免疫球蛋白 (IG) 制剂中和 VDRV 能力的担忧。我们研究了 IG 中和风疹疫苗病毒和四种 VDRV 毒株的能力。正如预期的那样,风疹疫苗病毒本身被 IG 制剂有效中和;然而,VDRV 在宿主内进化后从患者体内分离出来的情况要少 2-6 倍。因此,在可能的活病毒疫苗接种之前诊断免疫缺陷至关重要,而 IG 替代疗法有望提供针对风疹病毒感染的保护。