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Guest Editorial: Serverless Mobile Computing: From Theory to Practice
IEEE Communications Magazine ( IF 11.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-08 , DOI: 10.1109/mcom.2024.10494949
Pablo Serrano , Claudio Cicconetti , Adel N. Toosi , Meryem Simsek

Networking technology is slowly but steadily adopting two key principles from cloud computing, namely, softwarization and modularization. This has resulted in the success of technologies such as Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV), which are being adopted by mobile networking as well. In the meantime, cloud computing has been revolutionized by serverless computing, with the Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) paradigm enabling extreme scalability in a convenient manner.



网络技术正在缓慢而稳定地采用云计算的两个关键原则,即软件化和模块化。这导致了软件定义网络 (SDN) 和网络功能虚拟化 (NFV) 等技术的成功,这些技术也被移动网络所采用。与此同时,无服务器计算彻底改变了云计算,功能即服务 (FaaS) 范式以方便的方式实现了极高的可扩展性。