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Comparative analysis of the wake flow characteristics of single human and single column personnel walking indoors
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2024.109371
Jing Song , Yongzhi Zhang , Ping Wang , Bingqiang Yang , Jiaxing Zhang , Zihan Xing

The spread of pollutants caused by personnel walking is an important factor affecting the indoor environment. Investigating the disturbance of multiple personnel on the flow field is highly important. In this study, experimentation and numerical simulation are used to study the flow field and vortex structure of human wakes. Large eddy simulation (LES) is used to simulate the unsteady wake flow of single and single column personnel. The results show that due to secondary disturbances, the wake fluctuation region of single column personnel is larger than that of a single person, and the wake characteristics are more complex. Moreover, the wake vortex distribution of single column personnel is more discrete than that of a single person, and the vortex structure distribution region of single column personnel on the longitudinal section is twice that of a single person. The small-scale wake vortex is densely distributed, and the wake vortex dissipates faster.


