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Gas Sensors for Climate Change
ACS Sensors ( IF 8.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-22 , DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.4c00429
Hohyung Kang 1 , Hee-Tae Jung 2

Since the first industrial revolution, the escalating demand for energy, driven by an unprecedented population growth, has resulted in the uncontrollable production of greenhouse gases (GHGs). As a result, GHGs trap heat within the Earth’s atmosphere, leading to irreversible and unpredictable consequences that impact every corner of our planet, reshaping our daily lives and the global ecosystem. It is imperative that we act swiftly to mitigate, adapt to, and prevent further climate change impacts. At the forefront of this battle, gas sensors have emerged as invaluable tools for addressing these actions. Therefore, as a sensor researcher, we stand at a pivotal juncture in environmental stewardship, where it is essential to acknowledge the pivotal role and requirements played by these gas sensors in our fight against climate change. There are primarily three categories for utilizing gas sensors to mitigate and prevent climate change: (i) GHGs tracking and monitoring systems, (1) (ii) sustainable energy gas monitoring, (2−4) and (iii) energy efficient/self-powered and durable gas sensor systems. (5) First, to effectively mitigate the impacts of climate change, it is paramount to gather information on global gas distribution and identify the gases that contribute significantly to rising temperatures. Utilizing various types of sensors, such as optical, electrochemical, solid-state, infrared, and gas chromatography, we can measure GHGs concentrations globally through remote sensing (via satellites and drones) or pinpoint measurements at specific locations. Subsequently, artificial intelligence (AI), algorithms, and mathematical prediction models based on acquired vast data sets are used to analyze and extract essential information from GHGs around the globe. This information also reveals sources, trends, and associated consequences, providing vital insights for designing effective mitigation strategies and advancing climate research, which helps us refine climate models, understand mechanisms, and predict future scenarios. Given the critical importance of monitoring GHGs, various GHGs require specific attention to assess their contributions to climate change. CO2, the most well-known greenhouse gas, stands as a major contributor to global warming. It is primarily released through the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation, typically maintaining atmospheric concentrations in the hundreds of parts per million (ppm). (6) In addition, monitoring CO2 is also crucial for diagnosing carbon capture and storage/utilization systems performance and safety to mitigate its impact further. Next, CH4, a potent greenhouse gas, originates from livestock, agriculture, oil and gas extraction, and waste management. Its atmospheric methane concentration is in the ppm range, with incremental ppb concentration increases over the years. (7) Nitrous oxide, another potent GHG, results from various agricultural and industrial activities. Its warming impact is 265 times greater per pound than that of CO2, necessitating monitoring (typically in ppb concentrations in the atmosphere). (8) Lastly, fluorinated gases, including CFCs, HFCs, and SF6, are exclusively emitted from human-related activities. (8) Despite their lower emissions compared to other GHGs, they possess significantly higher global warming potential as they persist in the atmosphere for thousands of years. To effectively address these GHGs, there has been a notable increase in the number of GHG sensor publications in ACS Sensors over recent years, almost doubling the publication count (approximately 5% of total ACS Sensors publications in the last 5 years are related to GHGs). Second, to effectively address the climate crisis, our efforts must extend beyond simply mitigating its impacts by enhancing renewable energy systems as a viable replacement for fossil fuels to prevent further GHGs formation in the atmosphere. Among the crucial applications, hydrogen, battery leakage, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) gas sensor systems are indispensable for ensuring the safe and efficient utilization and management of renewable energy sources. Hydrogen, as one of the most promising renewable energy sources, is a carbon-zero, transportable gas capable of generating vast amounts of electricity from virtually unlimited sources. However, due to its explosive properties at concentrations higher than 4% and its inability to be detected by human senses, there is a pressing need for safety and monitoring systems to effectively handle the storage, transportation, and utilization of hydrogen energy. Additionally, enhancing the safety of electric vehicles, which serve as a substitute for petrol vehicles, can be achieved through the development of battery leakage sensors, specifically targeting substances like dimethyl carbonate and diethyl carbonate for conventional lithium ion batteries with liquid electrolytes. These sensors effectively manage thermal runaways, preventing potential casualties. Lastly, monitoring VOCs is essential to prevent photochemical reactions that can lead to the formation of GHGs. Various innovative gas sensor technologies designed to prevent climate change by utilizing renewable energy sources have been reported in ACS Sensors, accounting for approximately 8% of total publications in the last 5 years, with a notable upward trend over the past few years, nearly doubling in comparison to the volumes seen in 2016 and 2017. Finally, it is important to address the energy consumption of gas sensors themselves, given their significant role. There is a critical need to develop methods that minimize energy usage, while preserving the gas sensors’ superior performance, enabling the detection of gas analytes within the ppb to ppm range in the atmosphere. This entails focusing on efficient system designs and the development of self-powered gas sensors to curtail further energy consumption. In addition, sensors must exhibit reliability and durability across diverse environments, including harsh conditions like industrial chimneys and vessel engines to reduce management costs and energy consumption. Recent studies have unveiled the potential of utilizing AI for sensor maintenance, which can extend sensor lifetimes and improve energy efficiency. (9) In this context, sensor systems like solid-state gas sensors, which seamlessly integrate with the Internet of Things, offer invaluable benefits by establishing sensor networks and enabling real-time data transmission. The scope for advancing energy-efficient sensor system development remains substantial, with such publications currently representing approximately 10% of the total output in ACS Sensors publications over the past 5 years. Undoubtedly, climate change stands as one of humanity’s most significant threats. In this situation, gas sensors serve as the cornerstone of all climate change-related research, providing invaluable data for predictions, models, policies, and innovative technologies. In detail, gas sensors not only act as a “first step” to initiate climate change mitigation by detecting GHGs but also play an integral role in all aspects of our efforts to prevent further climate change impacts by playing a vital role in various technologies such as renewable energy. These collective endeavors converge to yield groundbreaking technologies capable of revolutionizing our fight against climate change. As sensor researchers, our responsibilities extend from conceiving and developing advanced gas sensor systems, encompassing materials, system design, scalability, signal analysis, and practical implementation. Therefore, ACS Sensors values every endeavor and eagerly welcomes innovative and groundbreaking approaches to potentially transform the climate change crisis. This article references 9 other publications. This article has not yet been cited by other publications. This article references 9 other publications.



自第一次工业革命以来,前所未有的人口增长推动了能源需求的不断上升,导致温室气体(GHG)的产生无法控制。因此,温室气体将热量困在地球大气层中,导致不可逆转和不可预测的后果,影响我们星球的每个角落,重塑我们的日常生活和全球生态系统。我们必须迅速采取行动,减轻、适应和防止进一步的气候变化影响。在这场战斗的最前沿,气体传感器已成为解决这些问题的宝贵工具。因此,作为传感器研究人员,我们正处于环境管理的关键时刻,必须认识到这些气体传感器在应对气候变化中所发挥的关键作用和要求。利用气体传感器来缓解和预防气候变化主要分为三类:(i) 温室气体跟踪和监测系统,(1) (ii) 可持续能源气体监测,(2−4) 和 (iii) 节能/自发电供电且耐用的气体传感器系统。 (5)首先,为了有效缓解气候变化的影响,收集全球气体分布信息并识别导致气温上升的气体至关重要。利用光学、电化学、固态、红外和气相色谱等各种类型的传感器,我们可以通过遥感(通过卫星和无人机)或在特定位置进行精确测量来测量全球温室气体浓度。随后,基于获取的海量数据集的人工智能(AI)、算法和数学预测模型被用来分析和提取全球温室气体的重要信息。这些信息还揭示了来源、趋势和相关后果,为设计有效的缓解策略和推进气候研究提供了重要的见解,这有助于我们完善气候模型、了解机制和预测未来情景。鉴于监测温室气体的至关重要性,需要特别关注各种温室气体,以评估其对气候变化的贡献。 CO 2是最著名的温室气体,是导致全球变暖的主要因素。它主要通过化石燃料燃烧和森林砍伐释放,通常将大气浓度维持在百万分之数百 (ppm)。 (6) 此外,监测CO 2对于诊断碳捕获和储存/利用系统的性能和安全性以进一步减轻其影响也至关重要。接下来,第4章是一种强效温室气体,源自畜牧业、农业、石油和天然气开采以及废物管理。其大气中的甲烷浓度在 ppm 范围内,并且逐年递增 ppb 浓度。 (7) 一氧化二氮是另一种强效温室气体,产生于各种农业和工业活动。每磅二氧化碳对变暖的影响是 CO 2的 265 倍,因此需要进行监测(通常以大气中的 ppb 浓度为单位)。 (8) 最后,氟化气体,包括 CFC、HFC 和 SF 6,仅由人类相关活动排放。 (8) 尽管与其他温室气体相比,它们的排放量较低,但由于它们在大气中持续存在数千年,因此具有显着更高的全球变暖潜力。为了有效解决这些温室气体问题,近年来ACS Sensors中的 GHG 传感器出版物数量显着增加,几乎翻了一番(过去 5 年ACS Sensors出版物总数中约 5% 与温室气体相关) 。其次,为了有效应对气候危机,我们的努力不仅限于减轻其影响,还应加强可再生能源系统作为化石燃料的可行替代品,以防止大气中进一步形成温室气体。在关键应用中,氢气、电池泄漏和挥发性有机化合物(VOC)气体传感器系统对于确保可再生能源的安全高效利用和管理是不可或缺的。氢是最有前途的可再生能源之一,是一种零碳、可运输的气体,能够从几乎无限的来源产生大量电力。然而,由于其浓度高于4%时具有爆炸性且无法被人类感官检测到,因此迫切需要安全和监控系统来有效处理氢能的储存、运输和利用。此外,通过开发电池泄漏传感器,可以提高作为汽油汽车替代品的电动汽车的安全性,特别针对传统液态电解质锂离子电池中的碳酸二甲酯和碳酸二乙酯等物质。这些传感器有效地管理热失控,防止潜在的伤亡。最后,监测挥发性有机化合物对于防止可能导致温室气体形成的光化学反应至关重要。ACS Sensors报道了旨在利用可再生能源防止气候变化的各种创新气体传感器技术,约占过去 5 年出版物总数的 8%,过去几年呈显着上升趋势,与 2016 年和 2017 年相比几乎翻了一番。最后重要的是解决鉴于气体传感器本身的重要作用。迫切需要开发一种方法,最大限度地减少能源消耗,同时保持气体传感器的卓越性能,从而能够检测大气中 ppb 至 ppm 范围内的气体分析物。这需要专注于高效的系统设计和自供电气体传感器的开发,以进一步减少能源消耗。此外,传感器必须在不同的环境中表现出可靠性和耐用性,包括工业烟囱和船舶发动机等恶劣条​​件,以降低管理成本和能源消耗。最近的研究揭示了利用人工智能进行传感器维护的潜力,这可以延长传感器的使用寿命并提高能源效率。 (9) 在此背景下,固态气体传感器等传感器系统与物联网无缝集成,通过建立传感器网络并实现实时数据传输,提供了宝贵的好处。推进节能传感器系统开发的范围仍然很大,目前此类出版物约占过去 5 年ACS 传感器出版物总产出的 10%。毫无疑问,气候变化是人类面临的最重大威胁之一。在这种情况下,气体传感器成为所有气候变化相关研究的基石,为预测、模型、政策和创新技术提供宝贵的数据。具体而言,气体传感器不仅是通过检测温室气体来减缓气候变化的“第一步”,而且通过在各种技术中发挥重要作用,在我们防止进一步气候变化影响的努力的各个方面发挥着不可或缺的作用,例如再生能源。这些集体努力汇聚在一起,产生了能够彻底改变我们应对气候变化的斗争的突破性技术。作为传感器研究人员,我们的职责包括构思和开发先进的气体传感器系统,涵盖材料、系统设计、可扩展性、信号分析和实际实施。因此,ACS Sensors重视每一项努力,并热切欢迎能够扭转气候变化危机的创新和突破性方法。本文引用了其他 9 篇出版物。这篇文章尚未被其他出版物引用。本文引用了其他 9 篇出版物。