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Night-to-night variability of objective sleep outcomes in youth Middle Eastern football players
Sleep Medicine ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.sleep.2024.03.023
Lorenzo Lolli , Daniele Bonanno , Emmanuel Lopez , Valter Di Salvo

To describe components of night-to-night variation in objective measures of sleep. We conducted a secondary data analysis of consecutive and chronologically ordered actigraphy-based measurements for time in bed (min), time asleep (min), and wake-after-sleep onset (min). This investigation examined 575 individual night-based measures available for a sub-sample of fifty-two, male youth Middle Eastern football players tracked over a 14-day surveillance period (chronological age range: 12.1 to 16 years). Distinct multivariable-adjusted generalized additive models included each objective sleep outcome measure as dependent variable and disaggregated components of variation for night measurement-by-sleep period interaction, week part (weekday or weekend), and study participant random effects from within-subject night-to-night sleep variation. The within-subject standard deviation (SD) of ±98 min (95% confidence interval [CI], 92 to 104 min) for time in bed, ±87 min (95%CI, 82 to 93 min) for time asleep, and ±23 min (95%CI, 22 to 25 min) for wake-after-sleep-onset overwhelmed other sources of variability and accounted for ∼44% to 53% of the overall night-to-night variation. The night measurement-by-fragmented sleep period interaction SD was ±83 min (95%CI, 44 to 156 min) for time in bed, ±67 min (95%CI, 34 to 131 min) for time asleep, and ±15 min (95%CI, 7 to 32 min) for wake-after-sleep-onset that accounted for ∼22% to 32% of each sleep outcome measure overall variability. Substantial random night-to-night within-subject variability poses additional challenges for strategies aiming to mitigate problems of insufficient and inconsistent sleep that are detrimental to school learning and youth athlete development processes.



描述客观睡眠测量中夜间变化的组成部分。我们对连续且按时间顺序排列的基于体动记录仪的床上时间(分钟)、睡眠时间(分钟)和睡后醒来时间(分钟)的测量结果进行了二次数据分析。这项调查对 52 名中东青年男性足球运动员的子样本进行了 575 项单独的夜间测量,在 14 天的监测期内进行跟踪(按年龄顺序排列:12.1 至 16 岁)。独特的多变量调整广义加性模型包括作为因变量的每个客观睡眠结果测量以及夜间测量与睡眠周期相互作用、周部分(工作日或周末)的变化的分解成分,以及研究参与者来自受试者夜间的随机效应今晚的睡眠变化。床上时间的受试者内标准偏差 (SD) 为 ±98 分钟(95% 置信区间 [CI],92 至 104 分钟),睡眠时间为 ±87 分钟(95% CI,82 至 93 分钟),以及±23 分钟(95% CI,22 至 25 分钟)的睡后觉醒压倒了其他变异来源,占整个夜间变异的 ∼44% 至 53%。夜间按分段睡眠时间测量的交互作用 SD 为:床上时间为 ±83 分钟(95%CI,44 至 156 分钟),睡眠时间为 ±67 分钟(95%CI,34 至 131 分钟),睡眠时间为 ±15 分钟。分钟(95% CI,7 至 32 分钟)占每次睡眠结果测量总体变异性的约 22% 至 32%。受试者体内每晚的大量随机变异给旨在缓解睡眠不足和不一致问题的策略带来了额外的挑战,这些问题不利于学校学习和青少年运动员的发展过程。