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Longitudinal intravital imaging of mouse placenta
Science Advances ( IF 13.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-20 , DOI: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.adk1278
Xiaoyi Zhu, Qiang Huang, Laiming Jiang, Van-Tu Nguyen, Tri Vu, Garth Devlin, Jabbar Shaima, Xiaobei Wang, Yong Chen, Lijun Ma, Kun Xiang, Ergang Wang, Qiangzhou Rong, Qifa Zhou, Yubin Kang, Aravind Asokan, Liping Feng, Shiao-Wen D. Hsu, Xiling Shen, Junjie Yao

Studying placental functions is crucial for understanding pregnancy complications. However, imaging placenta is challenging due to its depth, volume, and motion distortions. In this study, we have developed an implantable placenta window in mice that enables high-resolution photoacoustic and fluorescence imaging of placental development throughout the pregnancy. The placenta window exhibits excellent transparency for light and sound. By combining the placenta window with ultrafast functional photoacoustic microscopy, we were able to investigate the placental development during the entire mouse pregnancy, providing unprecedented spatiotemporal details. Consequently, we examined the acute responses of the placenta to alcohol consumption and cardiac arrest, as well as chronic abnormalities in an inflammation model. We have also observed viral gene delivery at the single-cell level and chemical diffusion through the placenta by using fluorescence imaging. Our results demonstrate that intravital imaging through the placenta window can be a powerful tool for studying placenta functions and understanding the placental origins of adverse pregnancy outcomes.


