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Investigating the characteristics of combustible fraction of legacy waste: A study on energy recovery potential and GHG emission quantification
Environmental Research ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2024.118669
Roshan Vilasrao Mankhair , Munish K. Chandel

In India, majority of the generated municipal solid waste (MSW) was dumped in poorly managed landfills and dumpsites over the past decades and is an environmental and health hazard. Landfill mining is a promising solution to reclaim these sites along with the recovery of resources (materials and energy). During landfill mining operations, the combustible fraction is one of the major components recovered and needs proper management for maximizing resource recovery. For the identification of appropriate resource recovery options, knowledge of the physicochemical characteristics is required. The present study aims to assess the depth-wise change in the composition of legacy waste and the physicochemical characteristics of the combustible fraction. Furthermore, a material flow analysis considering the incineration of combustible fraction was performed to estimate the energy generation potential and the associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The results of the compositional analysis of dry legacy waste revealed that the fine fraction (<4 mm soil-like material) was dominating with a share of 36%. The depth-wise analysis showed a decrease in the calorific value with increasing landfill depth, while no specific trend was observed for the other parameters analyzed, including proximate and ultimate analysis, and chlorine content. The material flow analysis performed for 100 tonnes of wet legacy waste indicated that 52 tonnes of waste is combustible fraction. The GHG emissions through incineration of one tonne of dry combustible fraction would be 1389 kg CO-eq, with 1125 kWh of electrical energy generation potential.



在印度,过去几十年产生的大部分城市固体废物(MSW)都被倾倒在管理不善的垃圾填埋场和垃圾场,对环境和健康造成危害。垃圾填埋场采矿是一种很有前途的解决方案,可以回收这些场地并回收资源(材料和能源)。在垃圾填埋场采矿作业期间,可燃部分是回收的主要成分之一,需要适当的管理以最大限度地提高资源回收率。为了确定适当的资源回收方案,需要了解物理化学特性。本研究旨在评估遗留废物成分的深度变化和可燃部分的物理化学特征。此外,还进行了考虑可燃部分焚烧的物质流分析,以估计能源产生潜力和相关的温室气体(GHG)排放。干燥遗留废物的成分分析结果显示,细粒部分(<4 毫米土壤状物质)占主导地位,占 36%。深度分析显示,随着垃圾填埋场深度的增加,热值下降,而其他分析参数(包括工业分析和元素分析以及氯含量)没有观察到特定趋势。对 100 吨湿遗留废物进行的物质流分析表明,其中 52 吨废物是可燃部分。焚烧一吨干可燃部分的温室气体排放量为 1389 千克二氧化碳当量,发电潜力为 1125 千瓦时。