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Racial, ethnic, and rural disparities in distance to physicians among decedents with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias in Washington State
Alzheimer's & Dementia ( IF 14.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-20 , DOI: 10.1002/alz.13756
Solmaz Amiri 1 , Jonae I. Keffeler 2 , Dennis R. Crain 3 , Justin T. Denney 4 , Dedra Buchwald 1

INTRODUCTIONDistance to physicians may explain some of the disparities in Alzheimer's disease and related dementia (AD/ADRD) outcomes.METHODSWe generated round trip distance between residences of decedents with AD/ADRD and the nearest neurologist and primary care physician in Washington State.RESULTSThe overall mean distance to the nearest neurologist and primary care physician was 17 and 4 miles, respectively. Non‐Hispanic American Indian and/or Alaska Native and Hispanic decedents would have had to travel 1.12 and 1.07 times farther, respectively, to reach the nearest neurologist compared to non‐Hispanic White people. Decedents in micropolitan, small town, and rural areas would have had to travel 2.12 to 4.01 times farther to reach the nearest neurologist and 1.14 to 3.32 times farther to reach the nearest primary care physician than those in metropolitan areas.DISCUSSIONThese results underscore the critical need to identify strategies to improve access to specialists and primary care physicians to improve AD/ADRD outcomes.Highlights Distance to neurologists and primary care physicians among decedents with AD/ADRD American Indian and/or Alaska Native decedents lived further away from neurologists Hispanic decedents lived further away from neurologists Non‐metropolitan decedents lived further away from neurologists and primary care Decrease distance to physicians to improve dementia outcomes



简介 与医生的距离可以解释阿尔茨海默病和相关痴呆 (AD/ADRD) 结果的一些差异。方法我们生成了 AD/ADRD 死者的住所与华盛顿州最近的神经科医生和初级保健医生之间的往返距离。结果总体平均值距最近的神经科医生和初级保健医生的距离分别为 17 英里和 4 英里。与非西班牙裔白人相比,非西班牙裔美国印第安人和/或阿拉斯加原住民和西班牙裔后裔要想到达最近的神经科医生,分别需要走 1.12 倍和 1.07 倍的距离。与大都市地区的死者相比,小城市、小城镇和农村地区的死者要走2.12至4.01倍的距离才能到达最近的神经科医生,要走1.14至3.32倍的距离才能到达最近的初级保健医生。 讨论这些结果强调了迫切需要确定改善与专家和初级保健医生接触的策略,以改善 AD/ADRD 的结果。亮点 AD/ADRD 死者与神经科医生和初级保健医生的距离 美洲印第安人和/或阿拉斯加原住民后裔居住的地方离神经科医生更远 西班牙裔死者住的地方离神经科医生更远 非大城市死者的住所距离神经科医生和初级保健机构更远 缩短与医生的距离以改善痴呆症的治疗结果