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Lower Palaeozoic-Paleogene geological development of a deep-water rift (Güzelsu Corridor) along the northern continental margin of the Southern Neotethys in the Eastern Mediterranean region: Evidence from the Antalya Complex and the adjacent Tauride Carbonate Platform
Earth-Science Reviews ( IF 12.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2024.104741
Alastair H.F. Robertson , Osman Parlak , Kemal Taslı , Cemile Solak , Paulian Dumitrica , Taniel Danelian

Rift basins in mountain belts shed light on the palaeogeography and tectonic development of adjacent sutured ocean basins, as for the Antalya Complex in the S Neotethys region. Based on literature review, supplemented by multidisciplinary new data, the Antalya Complex in this area represents an Upper Permian-Triassic rift basin and subsequent Jurassic-Cretaceous passive margin that encompasses a marginal shallow-water carbonate platform, slope facies and deeper water axial pelagic sediments and basaltic volcanics. The rift basin was bordered to the north by the Tauride Carbonate Platform, and to the south by the metamorphic Alanya Massif farther south. The S Neotethys was located further south, adjacent to N Africa.


