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Understanding the Perceptions of School Engagement of Parents of Students With Autism
Remedial and Special Education ( IF 3.250 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-18 , DOI: 10.1177/07419325241236378
Samantha E. Goldman 1 , Maria P. Mello 2

Family–school engagement is integral to the success of students with autism. However, limited research has examined the conceptualization of family–school engagement from the perspective of parents of children with autism. With this in mind, we conducted focus groups with 22 parents of school-age children (ages 3–21) with autism. Using qualitative analysis, the authors identified seven types of engagement, each of which requires specific supports and has different barriers that may limit their use. These included: (a) collaborative partnership, (b) home-school communication, (c) advocacy, (d) school-based participation, (e) home-based participation, (f) service coordination, and (g) classroom observation. Adding two novel types of family engagement to the existing literature, findings contribute to a conceptualization of school engagement that incorporates the preferences and experiences of diverse parents of children with autism. Implications and directions for future research are discussed.



家庭与学校的互动对于自闭症学生的成功至关重要。然而,从自闭症儿童家长的角度审视家庭与学校参与的概念的研究有限。考虑到这一点,我们对 22 名学龄自闭症儿童(3-21 岁)的家长进行了焦点小组讨论。通过定性分析,作者确定了七种参与类型,每种类型都需要特定的支持,并且具有可能限制其使用的不同障碍。其中包括:(a) 合作伙伴关系,(b) 家校沟通,(c) 宣传,(d) 校本参与,(e) 家庭参与,(f) 服务协调,以及 (g) 课堂观察。在现有文献中添加两种新颖的家庭参与类型,研究结果有助于学校参与的概念化,其中融合了不同自闭症儿童家长的偏好和经历。讨论了未来研究的意义和方向。