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An overview about synthetic high charge micas and their uses
Applied Clay Science ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.clay.2024.107325
Luís H. Oliveira , Denise B. França , Alan I.S. Moraes , Santiago Medina-Carrasco , Maria G. Fonseca , Josy A. Osajima , Edson C. da Silva-Filho , María del Mar Orta

Synthetic micas are materials with interesting properties that combine high charge (high cation exchange capacity) with swelling capacity. Among the various methods for synthesizing this clay, the “NaCl-melt method” is the most widely used, producing a material with excellent crystallinity. Furthermore, synthetic micas are also susceptible to modifications with a wide range of compounds, mainly organic compounds, which further increases their reactivity. Thus, this Review addresses the properties and syntheses of this clay. The types of modifications used and the changes that occur in the properties of this clay are reported, in addition to applications in the removal of contaminating compounds that can be found in water. Research to date has demonstrated that synthetic mica-based adsorbents are versatile in the adsorption of various contaminants, such as metals, pharmaceuticals and others. Therefore, this material can be promising in the adsorption and release of drugs, bioactive compounds, enzymes, proteins, etc., thus increasing its field of application.


