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Identification of recurrent BRAF non-V600 mutations in intraductal carcinoma of the prostate in Chinese populations
Neoplasia ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.neo.2024.100983
Jing Hu , Xinyi Chen , Feifei Sun , Lili Liu , Long Liu , Zimeng Yang , Hanwen Zhang , Zeyuan Yu , Ru Zhao , Yueyao Wang , Hui Liu , Xiaorong Yang , Fusheng Sun , Bo Han

While alterations have been established as a driver in various solid malignancies, the characterization of alterations in prostate cancer (PCa) has not been thoroughly interrogated. By bioinformatics analysis, we first found that alterations were associated with advanced PCa and exhibited mutually exclusive pattern with ERG alteration across multiple cohorts. Of the most interest, recurrent non-V600 mutations were found in 3 of 21 (14.3 %) PCa patients demonstrating IDC-P morphology. Furthermore, experimental overexpression of and exhibited emergence of oncogenic phenotypes with intensified MAPK signaling , which could be targeted by MEK inhibitors Comparison of the incidence of alterations in IDC-P between western and Chinese ancestry revealed an increased prevalence in the Chinese population. The mutation may represent important genetic alteration in a subset of IDC-P, highlighting the role of MAPK signaling pathway in this subtype of PCa. To the best of knowledge, this is the first description of non-V600 mutation in setting of IDC-P, which may in part explain the aggressive phenotype seen in IDC-P and could also bring more treatment options for PCa patients with IDC-P harboring such mutations.