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Quality and Characteristics of Pediatric Rheumatology Content on Social Media: Toward a New Era of Education for Patients and Caregivers?
The Journal of Rheumatology ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-01 , DOI: 10.3899/jrheum.2024-0039
Saverio La Bella , Armando Di Ludovico , Francesca Mainieri , Federico Lauriola , Luisa Silvestrini , Francesca Ciarelli , Giulia Di Donato , Francesco Chiarelli , Marina Attanasi , Luciana Breda

Social media platforms are an extremely common form of online interaction, with more than 4.5 billion users worldwide in 2022. According to Statista.com, there is a significant expectation that this usage will exceed 6 billion by the year 2027.



社交媒体平台是一种极其常见的在线互动形式,到 2022 年,全球用户数量将超过 45 亿。根据 Statista.com 的数据,预计到 2027 年,这一使用量将超过 60 亿。