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Ecological Applications ( IF 5 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-01 , DOI: 10.1002/eap.2873

COVER PHOTO: A mixed conifer forest in California, USA, photographed in March 2021. In their contribution to the Long-term ecological effects of forest fuel and restoration treatments Special Feature, Stephens et al. (this issue; Article e2932; doi:10.1002/eap.2932) quantified forest structure, fire behavior, intertree competition, and economics from a 20-year study. All three active treatments–Fire, Mechanical (cover photo), Mechanical followed by Fire–produced conditions much more resistant to wildfire, demonstrating multiple pathways for success; long-term forest conservation will require continued treatments to maintain these conditions. The authors suggest the use of information from 20+ years of forest research and the much longer tradition of Indigenous cultural practices and knowledge to prepare frequent-fire forests for the future. Photo credit: Scott Stephens.



封面照片:美国加利福尼亚州的一片混交针叶林,拍摄于 2021 年 3 月。Stephens 等人在对森林燃料和恢复处理的长期生态影响的贡献特别报道中。(本期;文章 e2932;doi:10.1002/eap.2932)通过 20 年的研究量化了森林结构、火灾行为、树间竞争和经济学。所有三种积极的治疗方法——火、机械(封面照片)、机械后火——产生的条件对野火具有更强的抵抗力,展示了成功的多种途径;长期的森林​​保护需要持续的处理来维持这些条件。作者建议利用 20 多年森林研究的信息以及更悠久的土著文化习俗和知识传统,为未来频繁发生火灾的森林做好准备。图片来源:斯科特·斯蒂芬斯。